Opencart CSV Update module

March 3, 2014 / CMS Modules / 9 Comments /
csv update


Today i decided to publicly share the module i was asked to create before for a certain job. This module has the functionality to automatically update the products based on a model comparison. It takes the model of the first row and compares a range with it as a base meaning it edits all products that its model starts with “MOD” for example, and it reads this value from the first model, this is to ensure that no problems will come from the changes.


This is for a certain request i had, so for the moment compatibility is certain with Opencart version , in the future i plan on generalizing it and giving it more features, but this depends also on the free time i have.

This is version 1.0 of the module. You can contact me via email or comment here if you need anything specific i would gladly assist you.

The module can be downloaded in Opencart’s website, this is the url: Opencart CSV Update module.